
All-Party Parliamentary Group

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Green Deal, is a cross party group organised by parliamentarians for parliamentarians, and for a wider impact on policy.

They recognise that the DECC Green Deal applies to Great Britain, with comparable arrangements applying in Northern Ireland. Parliamentarians welcome, and meet with, industry stakeholders of all sizes and scale, directly and through established trade associations, and workforce representatives or local traders.

The group also seeks to engage directly with householders, as potential consumers of the Green Deal. They organise regular events in Westminster to discuss policy issues within the scope of the Green Deal and ECO (Energy Company Obligation) and the group works alongside other All-Party Groups, where they may be better placed on special subjects.

The Group is supported in a secretariat function by CarbonQuarter, who report to the Group Secretary and acting Treasurer, Simon Wright MP.All-Party Groups (APGs) are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are essentially run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, although many groups involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.

The Register of All-Party Groups shows which APGs are recognised by the House of Commons, who their officers are, and what support groups receive from outside Parliament. This is updated on a six weekly basis.